The Difference Between Sandbox and Honeypot Security Technology

3 min readNov 25, 2020


When it comes to cybersecurity, different tactics emerge on a daily basis, which can make it difficult to keep up with current trends. Sandboxing and honeypot security are two cybersecurity tactics that are constantly evolving but can be confused. These two technologies are quite different and both offer valuable solutions to various cybersecurity issues. By understanding the differences in these two technologies, businesses can be sure they have the right solution for their cybersecurity needs.

Sandboxing Technology:

“Sandboxing” was derived by Carnegie Mellon University in the early 1970s to describe the process of testing artificial intelligence applications in separate, secure environments. Today, sandboxing is used by many popular applications outside of artificial intelligence but still refers to the process of running code in a controlled environment. By testing new, experimental code in a completely separate environment, developers prevent one bad string of code from infecting an entire network or from causing a system failure.

Sandboxing also allows analysts to securely dissect older code they think may contain malware. By isolating the environment in which code is run, analysts can evaluate that code for possible infections that may have already infiltrated a system and prevent malware from spreading further. This process also allows analysts to learn more about malware markers and help avoid future threats.

Honeypot Software:

The term “honeypot” was originally coined by Clifford Stoll in his book The Cuckoo’s Egg to describe the method he used to stop an international spy organization. Even after Stoll’s innovative use of honeypots in 1986 to halt international espionage, honeypot software only first became widespread in 1999, after companies and research organizations started using honeypots to study how hackers interacted within secure environments.

Honeypot security creates a vulnerability in the host’s servers that is deliberately highlighted for hackers to use. By leaving seemingly important information vulnerable to attack, companies attract hackers to these false environments. This practice of tricking hackers can waste attackers time and resources and allows companies to monitor an attacker’s methods to help counter future infiltrations.

Deception Technology — Combining Honeypot Techniques with Advanced Automation

RevBits Deception Technology is a fully automated honeypot software that provides insight into network attacks so enterprises can detect, track and respond to sophisticated cybersecurity threats in real-time. With RevBits deception solution, businesses can detect and learn from cyber attacks that other cybersecurity software would not even reveal. As cyber-attacks continue to grow in the years to come, it is vital that companies remain vigilant and proactive with next-generation cybersecurity tools like RevBits Deception Technology.

Deception Solutions for Businesses

Deception software aims to learn about the types of attacks that hackers are deploying before businesses suffer from actual cyber attacks. In the past, these types of advanced security tactics were only accessible to high-level institutions, such as governments and financial institutions. Now, with RevBits next generation technologies, any business can be proactive with top-tier cybersecurity solutions.

Use RevBits Deception Technology to be Proactive About Cyber Defense

Honeypot software is an inherently proactive technology that aims to learn about the types of attacks that hackers are deploying before businesses suffer from an actual attack. RevBits Deception Technology is an easy to install and deploy deception solution software that uses actual servers and advanced automation to make it impossible for hackers to recognize they are fake. With RevBits Deception Technology, it’s easy to get an in-depth understanding of any threat. Along with RevBits Deception Technology, RevBits experts send a report to system administrators to immediately alert them of the hacker's presence, the information that was gathered and the organization of the next steps need to take.

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Written by RevBits

RevBits gives every enterprise the power to secure their systems. Protect against them with RevBits comprehensive Cybersecurity Intelligence Platform.

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